
The brome’s state system allow you to save a test state in order to speed up and ease your test flow.

You need to set the config project:url in order to use the state since the state name is created with the host name and the test name:




This is mainly to support switching the host name in your test. Maybe sometime the code to be tested is on another server, so the state won’t exist on this server.

Stateful mixin

The brome’s state system will save the following build-in python type:

  • str
  • unicode
  • int
  • float
  • dict
  • list

However not build-in python class won’t be saved into the state unless they inherit the Stateful mixin. Here is an example:

from brome.core.model.stateful import Stateful

class User(Stateful):

    def __init__(self, pdriver, username):
        self.pdriver = pdriver
        self.username = username

class UnStateful(object):

class Test(BaseTest):

    name = 'State'

    def create_state(self):
        self.unstateful = UnStateful()
        self.stateful = User(self.pdriver, 'test')
        self.int_ = 1
        self.float_ = 0.1
        self.unicode_ = u'test'
        self.str_ = 'str'
        self.list_ = [1,2]
        self.dict_ = {'key' : 1}

    def run(self, **kwargs):


        assert not hasattr(self, 'unstateful')

        assert hasattr(self, 'stateful')

        assert hasattr(self, 'int_')

        assert hasattr(self, 'float_')

        assert hasattr(self, 'unicode_')

        assert hasattr(self, 'str_')

        assert hasattr(self, 'list_')

        assert hasattr(self, 'dict_')

Note: Your stateful class must accept the pdriver in his __init__ function:

from brome.core.model.stateful import Stateful

class User(Stateful):

    def __init__(self, pdriver, username):
        self.pdriver = pdriver #<-- this
        self.username = username

The state will only be cleaned when it is loaded; so unstateful object will be in the locals() of the test object on the first run but not on the subsequent run. The cleaning function of the state is recursive, so unstateful object found in dict and list will be clearned up also. The stateful cleanup is mainly to satisfy the pickle python module...

Create state

You can either use the automatic state creation (recommended) or create it manually.

Automatic state creation

class Test(BaseTest):

    name = 'Test'

    def create_state(self):
        self.dict_ = {'key' : 1}

    def run(self, **kwargs):



Manual state creation

class Test(BaseTest):

    name = 'Test 1'


    def run(self, **kwargs):


        state_loaded = self.load_state()
        if not state_loaded:
            self.string_1 = 'test'



Loading state

If you use the automatic state management them the state will be loaded automatically if one exist. The test logger will tell you if a state was found or not.

If you created the state manually them you also need to load it manually:

class Test(BaseTest):

    name = 'Test 1'


    def run(self, **kwargs):


        state_loaded = self.load_state()

        if state_loaded:
            #Now you have access to the object that were saved in the state

Deleting state

Deleting a particular state

If you want to delete a particular test’s state you can tell the bro executable to delete it before running the test:

$ ./bro run -l firefox -s "test_1" --test-config "delete_state=True"

or delete it manually:

$ rm /path/to/project/tests/states/teststate.pkl

Deleting all the states

If you want to delete all the states, the bro executable have a command for that:

$ ./bro admin --delete-test-states

Or delete them manually:

$ rm /path/to/project/tests/states/*.pkl