
All assert function return a boolean: True if the assertion succeed; False otherwise.

If you gave a test dictionary to the Brome object in the bro executable then you can give a test id to the assert function so it can save the test result for you:

test_dict = {}
test_dict['#1'] = "The login button is visible"
test_dict['#2'] = {
    'name': 'Test',
    'embed': False

brome = Brome(
    config_path = os.path.join(HERE, "config", "brome.yml"),
    selector_dict = selector_dict,
    test_dict = test_dict, # <-- this dict
    browsers_config_path = os.path.join(HERE, "config", "browsers_config.yml"),
    absolute_path = HERE

So later in your code you can do this:

pdriver.assert_visible("sv:login_button", '#1')

Or if you prefer you can write the test description inline instead:

pdriver.assert_visible("sv:login_button", 'The login button is visible')

If you don’t want this assertion to be saved then use the assert function like this:


Assertion function never raise an exception.

The following config affect the fonctionality of assert functions:

  • runner:embed_on_assertion_success
  • runner:embed_on_assertion_failure
  • runner:play_sound_on_assertion_success
  • runner:play_sound_on_assertion_failure
  • proxy_driver:take_screenshot_on_assertion_failure
  • proxy_driver:take_screenshot_on_assertion_success

If you have a bug that won’t be fixed anytime soon and your config runner:embed_on_assertion_failure is set to True then you can change your test_dict like so to stop embed on this particular test:

test_dict['#2'] = {
    'name': 'Test',
    'embed': False

Assertion functions

Here is the list of all assert function found in the pdriver:

Assert present

This will assert that the element is present in the dom:

assert_present(selector, "#2")

assert_present(selector, "#2", wait_until_present = False)

assert_present(selector, "#2", wait_until_present = True)
  • The default for the wait_until_present kwargs is proxy_driver:wait_until_present_before_assert_present.

Assert not present

This will assert that the element is not present in the dom:

assert_not_present(selector, "#2")

assert_not_present(selector, "#2", wait_until_not_present = True)

assert_not_present(selector, "#2", wait_until_not_present = False)
  • The default for the wait_until_not_present kwargs is proxy_driver:wait_until_not_present_before_assert_not_present.

Assert visible

This will assert that the element is visible in the dom:

assert_visible(selector, "#2")

assert_visible(selector, "#2", highlight = False)

assert_visible(selector, "#2", wait_until_visible = False)
  • The default for the wait_until_visible kwargs is proxy_driver:wait_until_visible_before_assert_visible.
  • The default for the highlight kwargs is proxy_driver:highlight_on_assertion_success.
  • The highlight style is configurable with the config highlight:style_on_assertion_success.

Assert not visible

This will assert that the element is not visible in the dom:

assert_not_visible(selector, "#2")

assert_not_visible(selector, "#2", highlight = False)

assert_not_visible(selector, "#2", wait_until_not_visible = False)
  • The default for the wait_until_not_visible kwargs is proxy_driver:wait_until_not_visible_before_assert_not_visible.
  • The default for the highlight kwargs is proxy_driver:highlight_on_assertion_failure.
  • The highlight style is configurable with the config highlight:style_on_assertion_failure.

Assert text equal

This will assert that the element’s test is equal to the given value:

assert_text_equal("sv:username_input", "user", "#2")

pdriver.assert_text_equal("sv:username_input", "error", '#2', highlight = False)

pdriver.assert_text_equal("sv:username_input", "error", '#2', wait_until_visible = False)
  • The default for the wait_until_visible kwargs is proxy_driver:wait_until_visible_before_assert_visible.
  • The default for the highlight kwargs is proxy_driver:highlight_on_assertion_success.
  • The highlight style is configurable with the config highlight:style_on_assertion_success.
  • The highlight style is configurable with the config highlight:style_on_assertion_failure.

Assert text not equal

This will assert that the element’s test is not equal to the given value:

pdriver.assert_text_not_equal("sv:username_input", "error", '#2')

pdriver.assert_text_not_equal("sv:username_input", "error", '#2', highlight = False)

pdriver.assert_text_not_equal("sv:username_input", "error", '#2', wait_until_visible = False)
  • The default for the wait_until_visible kwargs is proxy_driver:wait_until_visible_before_assert_visible.
  • The default for the highlight kwargs is proxy_driver:highlight_on_assertion_success.
  • The highlight style is configurable with the config highlight:style_on_assertion_success.
  • The highlight style is configurable with the config highlight:style_on_assertion_failure.