
Here is all the configuration options that brome support. You have to provide a yaml configuration file to brome when you create it. This step is already done in the bro executable:

brome = Brome(
    config_path = os.path.join(HERE, "config", "brome.yml"), #<--- this file
    selector_dict = selector_dict,
    test_dict = test_dict,
    browsers_config_path = os.path.join(HERE, "config", "browsers_config.yml"),
    absolute_path = HERE

Inside the brome.yml configuration file is a bunch of section with options. You can control the behavior the runner, the proxy driver, the proxy element, put some custom project config, etc... Below is a break down of each of the brome configuration options.

sample configuration file

  username: ''
  key: ''
  username: ''
  key: ''
  maximize_window: false
  window_height: 725
  window_width: 1650
  window_x_position: 0
  window_y_position: 0
  sqlalchemy.url: 'sqlite:///unittest.db'
  wait_after_instance_launched: 30
  wait_until_system_and_instance_check_performed: true
  kill_selenium_server: true
  max_running_time: 7200
  selenium_hub_config: '/resources/hub-config.json'
  selenium_server_command: 'java -jar {selenium_server_jar_path} -role hub -hubConfig {selenium_hub_config} -DPOOL_MAX 512 &'
  selenium_server_ip: 'localhost'
  selenium_server_jar_path: '/resources/selenium-server-standalone.jar'
  selenium_server_port: 4444
  start_selenium_server: false
  highlight_on_assertion_failure: true
  highlight_on_assertion_success: true
  highlight_when_element_is_clicked: true
  highlight_when_element_is_visible: true
  highlight_when_element_receive_keys: true
  style_on_assertion_failure: 'background: red; border: 2px solid black;'
  style_on_assertion_success: 'background: green; border: 2px solid black;'
  style_when_element_is_clicked: 'background: yellow; border: 2px solid red;'
  style_when_element_is_visible: 'background: purple; border: 2px solid black;'
  style_when_element_receive_keys: 'background: yellow; border: 2px solid red;'
  use_highlight: true
  filelogger: false
  format: "[%(batchid)s]\e[32m%(message)s\e[0m"
  level: 'INFO'
  streamlogger: true
  filelogger: false
  format: "[%(batchid)s]\e[34m(%(testname)s)\e[0m:\e[32m%(message)s\e\[0m"
  level: 'INFO'
  streamlogger: true
  test_batch_result_path: false
  url: 'http://localhost:7777'
  use_javascript_dnd: true
  default_timeout: 5
  intercept_javascript_error: true
  raise_exception: true
  take_screenshot_on_assertion_failure: true
  take_screenshot_on_assertion_success: false
  validate_css_selector: true
  validate_xpath_selector: true
  wait_until_not_present_before_assert_not_present: true
  wait_until_not_visible_before_assert_not_visible: true
  wait_until_present_before_assert_present: true
  wait_until_present_before_find: true
  wait_until_visible_before_assert_visible: true
  wait_until_visible_before_find: true
  cache_screenshot: true
  embed_on_assertion_failure: false
  embed_on_assertion_success: false
  embed_on_test_crash: false
  play_sound_on_assertion_failure: false
  play_sound_on_assertion_success: false
  play_sound_on_ipython_embed: false
  play_sound_on_pdb: false
  play_sound_on_test_crash: false
  play_sound_on_test_finished: false
  sound_on_assertion_failure: '{testid} failed'
  sound_on_assertion_success: '{testid} succeeded'
  sound_on_ipython_embed: 'Attention required'
  sound_on_pdb: 'Attention required'
  sound_on_test_crash: 'Crash'
  sound_on_test_finished: 'Test finished'
  open_browser: false
  CACHE_TYPE: 'simple'
  DEBUG: false
  HOST: 'localhost'
  PORT: 5000
  filelogger: false
  level: 'INFO'
  streamlogger: false


  • test_batch_result_path: The test path where the test batch result file will be create. If you don’t want to save any file when a test batch run, just set this options to False. str [path] | bool (false only) (default: ‘’)
  • url: The url of the server on which the test run (must include the protocol) e.g.: str [url] (default: ‘’)


  • username: Browserstack username str (default: ‘’)
  • key: Browserstack key str (default: ‘’)


  • username: Saucelabs username str (default: ‘’)
  • key: Saucelabs key str (default: ‘’)


  • use_javascript_dnd: Use javascript to perform drag and drop. If set to false then the ActionChains.drag_and_drop with be used instead. bool (default: false)
  • wait_until_visible_before_find: If this options is set to true then each time you use the driver.find(selector) the proxy_driver will wait until the element is visible; if the element is not visible before the given timeout then it may wait_until_present(selector), raise an exception or return false. All of this is configurable from the brome.yml or provided to the function find(selector, wait_until_visible = (False | True)) directly via kwargs. bool (default: false)
  • intercept_javascript_error: If set to true this options will execute some javascript code on each driver.get() that will intercept javascript error. bool (default: false)
  • validate_xpath_selector: If set to true the proxy driver will raise an exception if the provided xpath selector is invalid. bool (default: false)
  • validate_css_selector: If set to true the proxy driver will raise an exception if the provided css selector is invalid. bool (default: false)
  • default_timeout: The default timeout in second. This will be used in a lot of the proxy driver function (wait_until_*); you can overwrite this default with the timeout kwargs. int (second) (default: 5)
  • raise_exception: This options tell the brome driver to raise exception on failure (find_*, wait_until_*) or just return a bool instead. bool (default: true)
  • wait_until_present_before_assert_present: Wait until not present before assert present. bool (default: false)
  • wait_until_not_present_before_assert_not_present: Wait until not present before assert not present. bool (default: false)
  • wait_until_not_visible_before_assert_not_visible: Wait until not visible before assert not visible. bool (default: false)
  • wait_until_visible_before_assert_visible: Wait until visible before assert visible. bool (default: false)
  • wait_until_present_before_find: Wait until visible before find. bool (default: false)
  • take_screenshot_on_assertion_success: Take screenshot on assertion success bool (default: false)
  • take_screenshot_on_assertion_failure: Take screenshot on assertion failure bool (default: false)


  • use_touch_instead_of_click: Use touch instead of click. bool (default: false)


  • window_x_position: Window x position. int (default: 0)
  • window_y_position: Window y position. int (default: 0)
  • window_height: Window height. int (default: 725)
  • window_width: Window width. int (default: 1650)
  • maximize_window: Maximize window. Note: this may not work in a xvfb environment; so set the width and height manually in this case. bool (default: false)


  • highlight_on_assertion_success: Highlight on assertion success. bool (default: false)
  • highlight_on_assertion_failure: Highlight on assertion failure. bool (default: false)
  • highlight_when_element_is_clicked: Highlight when element is clicked. bool (default: false)
  • highlight_when_element_receive_keys: Highlight when element received keys. bool (default: false)
  • highlight_when_element_is_visible: Highlight when element is visible. bool (default: false)
  • style_when_element_is_clicked: Style when element is clicked. str ‘background: yellow; border: 2px solid red;’
  • style_when_element_receive_keys: Style when element receive keys. str ‘background: yellow; border: 2px solid red;’
  • style_on_assertion_failure: Style on assertion failure. str ‘background: red; border: 2px solid black;’
  • style_on_assertion_success: Style on assertion success. str ‘background: green; border: 2px solid black;’
  • style_when_element_is_visible: Style when element is visible. str ‘background: purple; border: 2px solid black;’
  • use_highlight: Use highlight. bool (default: false)


  • embed_on_assertion_success: Embed on assertion success. bool (default: false)
  • embed_on_assertion_failure: Embed on assertion failure. bool (default: false)
  • embed_on_test_crash: Embed on test crash. bool (default: false)
  • play_sound_on_test_crash: Play sound on test crash. bool (default: false)
  • play_sound_on_assertion_success: Play sound on assertion success. bool (default: false)
  • play_sound_on_assertion_failure: Play sound on assertion failure. bool (default: false)
  • play_sound_on_test_finished: Play sound on test batch finished. bool (default: false)
  • play_sound_on_ipython_embed: Play sound on ipython embed. bool (default: false)
  • play_sound_on_pdb: Play sound on pdb. bool (default: false)
  • sound_on_test_crash: Sound on test crash. str Crash
  • sound_on_assertion_success: sound on assertion success. str {testid} succeeded
  • sound_on_assertion_failure: Sound on assertion failure. str {testid} failed
  • sound_on_test_finished: Sound on test batch finished. str Test finished
  • sound_on_ipython_embed: Sound on ipython embed. str Attention required
  • sound_on_pdb: Sound on pdb. str Attention required
  • cache_screenshot: Use the cache screenshot. bool (default: true)


  • sqlalchemy.url: the database url str (default: ‘’)


  • level: ‘DEBUG’ | ‘INFO’ | ‘WARNING’ | ‘ERROR’ | ‘CRITICAL’ (default: INFO)
  • streamlogger: The logger with output to the sdtout. bool (default: true)
  • filelogger: The logger with output to a file in the test batch result directory. bool (default: true)
  • format: Logger format. str (default: [%(batchid)s]%(message)s)


  • level: ‘DEBUG’ | ‘INFO’ | ‘WARNING’ | ‘ERROR’ | ‘CRITICAL’ (default: INFO)
  • streamlogger: The logger with output to the sdtout. bool (default: true)
  • filelogger: The logger with output to a file in the test batch result directory. bool (default: true)
  • format: Logger format. str (default: [%(batchid)s](%(testname)s):%(message)s)


  • wait_after_instance_launched: Wait X seconds after the instances are launched. int [second] (default: 30)
  • wait_until_system_and_instance_check_performed: Wait until system and instance checks are performed. bool (default: true)


  • max_running_time: This is the time limit the grid runner can run before raising a TimeoutException. This is to prevent a test batch from running forever using up precious resources. (int [second]) (default: 7200)
  • start_selenium_server: Start selenium server automatically. bool (default: true)
  • selenium_server_ip: Selenium server ip address. str (default: ‘localhost’)
  • selenium_server_port: Selenium port. int (default: 4444)
  • selenium_server_command: Selenium server command. str (default: ‘’)
  • selenium_server_jar_path: Selenium server jar path. str [path] (default: ‘’)
  • selenium_hub_config: Selenium server hub config path. str [path] (default: ‘’)
  • kill_selenium_server: Kill selenium server when the test batch finished. bool (default: true)


  • open_browser: Open the webserver index in a new tab on start. bool (default: false)
  • level: ‘DEBUG’ | ‘INFO’ | ‘WARNING’ | ‘ERROR’ | ‘CRITICAL’ (default: INFO)
  • streamlogger: The logger with output to the sdtout. bool (default: true)
  • filelogger: The logger with output to a file in the test batch result directory. bool (default: true)
  • CLOSED_REGISTRATION: This options will required the user to enter a token if he want to register in the brome webserver. bool (default: false)
  • REGISTRATION_TOKEN: The token used to register in the brome webserver. str (default: ‘’)